Communication Skills Challenged During COVID-19? Free On-Line Communication Course Offers Solutions
The Communication Course improves basic skills to make virtual and in-person communication effective.
Free Volunteer Minister DVD and portfolio giving advice and help for common problems in life.
The Scientology Handbook provides the tools to confront and resolve virtually any life situation―from ending marital strife to helping a friend recover from drugs to managing a company for optimum success.
Changing from in-person to virtual communication can be challenging. A free online course offers new insights into improving one’s communication skills.
The benefits of effective communication are too numerous to list. They enhance all aspects of life from the personal to the professional. The ability to communicate is vital to the success of any endeavor.
“A man is as alive as he can communicate," wrote best selling author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard (EMBED:, Founder of Scientology.
Communication is a facet of life which Hubbard explored very deeply, ultimately writing hundreds of thousands of words about this vital subject. Communication skills are essential in any sphere of human interaction. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the sole activity all people share.
Based on Hubbard’s discoveries, The Communication Course1 teaches the component parts of communication and how to use them.
Numerous practical exercises that Hubbard developed improve one’s communication level. Each has practical application in all facets of life that can be used forever.
Topics include:
• How to communicate with another so they listen and understand what you are saying.
• The exact formula of successful communication—and how to vastly improve your ability to communicate with anyone.
• Tools you can use to correct any communication failures you have with another.
All the practical techniques used by Volunteer Ministers are drawn from the chapters of “The Scientology Handbook.” Combined, these chapters provide the tools to confront and resolve virtually any life situation―from ending marital strife to helping a friend recover from drugs to managing a company for optimum success.
“We need more communication, not less, to better survive at any time. But now, with fewer in-person meetings with our loved ones, friends and associates, it is even more important that our ideas and thoughts are understood,” said Rev. Susan Taylor of the Church of Scientology’s National Affairs Office. “This helps people be happier and do better in life, no matter what their social situation is.”
Volunteer Ministers in Washington, DC, have been involved in a variety of community activities, including distributing over 75,000 “Stay Well” hygiene protocol booklets as well as face masks and other materials for COVID-19 relief in the last several months.
The Volunteer Minister program was launched more than thirty years ago to offer skills so that people of all faiths or none could use these practical solutions to improve conditions in their own lives and those around them.
Rev. Susan Taylor
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
+1 202-667-6404
email us here
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