» News » 2020 » Euticals/AMRI receives final hazardous waste permi...

Euticals/AMRI receives final hazardous waste permit to continue corrective-action activities

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, OCT. 1, 2020 – The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has issued a final hazardous waste permit for the Euticals/AMRI facility. The permit allows the company to continue performing corrective action activities at its Springfield facility.

Euticals/AMRI manufactures pharmaceutical chemicals at a facility located on about 72 acres at 2460 W. Bennett St. in Springfield. Euticals/AMRI has been performing long-term groundwater monitoring and remediation activities at the site under a department-issued Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Facility Part I Permit and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-issued Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part II Permit.

On Dec. 20, 2019, Euticals/AMRI submitted a permit application to the department to renew and update its existing hazardous waste permit. After conducting a thorough technical review of the permit application and allowing opportunity for public comment, the department issued a final Part I Permit that includes a schedule of compliance.

The final Part I Permit requires the company to continue performing corrective-action activities according to the approved final remedy. The corrective-action activities include enhanced institutional controls, enhanced cap maintenance, containment/control and remediation of contaminated groundwater via pumping and treatment, and enhanced groundwater and stream monitoring.

EPA decided not to issue a Part II Permit, since the agency has no site-specific conditions for the facility, beyond those contained in the final Part I Permit, and Missouri is fully authorized for all permitting and corrective action activities at the facility. EPA will terminate the existing Part II Permit when the Part I Permit is issued.

No comments were made on the draft Part I Permit during the public comment period. Any parties adversely affected or aggrieved by department’s decision to issue the Part I Permit or specific conditions of the final Part I Permit may be entitled to pursue an appeal before the Administrative Hearing Commission by filing a written petition by Nov.2, 2020. The appeal process is more fully described in the final Part I Permit. 

The final Part I Permit and additional information are available online at dnr.mo.gov/env/hwp/permits/notices or at the Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell in Springfield. For more information about the final Part I Permit, or to obtain a written copy of the final Part I Permit for review, please contact Jalal El-Jayyousi, P.E., Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Waste Management Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 at 573-526-8403 or 800-361-4827, or by email at jalal.el-jayyousi@dnr.mo.gov. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals may reach Jalal El-Jayyousi through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966.
