Olson Headlines Congressional Event Launching Alliance to End Human Trafficking
Congresswomen Ann Wagner (MO-2) spoke on the importance of reducing demand for sex trafficking by targeting the buyers and working to reduce demand.
Human Rights activist Rosi Orozco of Comision Unidos Vs Trata speaking about her efforts to eliminate human trafficking in Mexico working with Jóvenes por los Derechos Humanos MÉXICO.
“Our Declaration of Independence says that every American is guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The monsters who engage in human trafficking have stolen these rights from their victims,” Olson stated. “Congress has passed bills to fight this evil, but new laws are not enough. Working with the Alliance to End Human Trafficking to increase public awareness, bring together advocates and strengthen partnerships, we can provide coordinated resources to work to end this scourge once and for all.”
Olson was joined by his Victims’ Rights Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Jim Costa (D-CA) and Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), as well as Reps. Ann Wagner (R-MO), Chip Roy (R-TX), Greg Walden (R-OR).
“Human trafficking is a problem that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. I am pleased to join the Alliance to End Human Trafficking to raise awareness of this important issue. Every year, millions of men, women, and children worldwide are thrown into a life of violence, forced labor and sexual exploitation. As co-founder and co-chair of the Crime Survivors and Justice Caucus, I have worked to advocate for crime victims throughout my career. This is an issue that I have first-hand knowledge of, from families and law enforcement in my district. It is their stories, and the impact I’ve seen on families in our communities, that motivates me every day to find solutions that effectively work to end this scourge on society.” — Rep. Jim Costa
“As Co-Chair of the Victims’ Rights Caucus, I am extremely concerned about human trafficking here in our nation and around the world. I thank all those who attended the launch of Alliance to End Human Trafficking today. We had a thoughtful discussion on human trafficking and how we can confront this issue and help save lives. In Congress, I believe both parties must continue to work together in a bipartisan fashion to combat human trafficking.” — Rep. Debbie Lesko
“Human trafficking is a horrific crime that affects at-risk populations in the United States and worldwide. I hope that the Alliance to End Human Trafficking will be a powerful force in the fight against criminals who exploit children and other vulnerable people. I am grateful for the Alliance’s commitment to ending these atrocities and empowering the most vulnerable among us. I look forward to working with them to end human trafficking, and I thank my colleague Congressman Olson for his leadership on this important issue.” — Rep. Ann Wagner
“Human trafficking is aptly described as modern-day slavery. Victims of human trafficking are robbed of their God-given rights and forced to work or perform sexual services for the direct profit of their captors. It is a soul sucking practice and is happening right now under our noses in our country. I’m thankful for the Alliance to End Human Trafficking and other groups who shine a light on such an important issue. We need to do all we can to end human trafficking.” — Rep. Chip Roy
“Human trafficking impacts a frightening number of Americans and it is critical we do everything in our power to put a stop to it. The launch of the Alliance to End Human Trafficking will spread greater awareness of this evil entity and help our communities to both combat the problem and help survivors. I am especially proud of the Alliance to End Human Trafficking’s co-founder, Andi Buerger, who is from Redmond, Oregon and has led the charge on this issue for years. Both Oregon and America are lucky to have people like Andi dedicating their lives to end human trafficking.” — Rep. Greg Walden
Alliance to End Human Trafficking co-founders Lynn Shaw and Blanquita Cullum added: “We have witnessed a nonpartisan international gathering of concerned people from all walks of life, gathered to speak in a unified voice to bring attention to and awareness of the horrors of human trafficking. And we are further committed to its eradication.”
Human rights educator and advocate against human trafficking, Sylvia Stanard of the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office echoed the sentiments of other non-profits, “It is this level of dedication by Members of Congress to the eradication of human trafficking that gives us hope that this issue will be taken seriously. I thank Congressman Olsen for spearheading this Alliance to End Human Trafficking, for taking on this fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. It will take broad public education that this is in fact slavery, it is brutal, it is not a choice.”
The Coalition is organizing to work as a combined group to do more on human trafficking in the US.
Speakers and Guests Included: Andi Buerger, Beulah’s Place; Rosi Orozco1, Comisíon Unidos Vs Trata; Alma Tucker, International Network of Hearts; Donna Rice Hughes, Enough Is Enough; Kathy Hatem, Enough Is Enough; Erin Andrews, FAIR Girls; Dr. Betty Lancaster-Short, American Mothers the Nations Capitol; Justin Matthes, Department of Homeland Security; Kaitlin Seale, Blue Campaign; U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking; Sylvia Stanard, Church of Scientology; Youth for Human Rights International2; Jóvenes por los Derechos Humanos MÉXICO; Deborah Sigmund, Innocents at Risk; Nancy Rivard, Airline Ambassadors International; Pastor Donna Hubbard, Women at the Well Transition Center; Libby Sittley, Salvation Army; Jaco Booyens Ministries; Craig Sawyer, Veterans for Child Rescue; Jerry Peyton and Lisa Hansen, Sold No More; Jessica Volz, Adventist Healthcare; Nicole Bowers Wallace, NBW Films; Jeffry Queen, Paladin Operations Group
Sylvia Stanard
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
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WATCH NOW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnfiENKheNo at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No slavery PSA
1 https://www.scientology.tv/series/voices-for-humanity/raul-arias.html
2 http://www.youthforhumanrights.org