Wisdom 3.0
There is an effective trick to creating a wise society. By defining wisdom not by its qualities and attributes but by whatever generates wisdom.
A plan to create emotional health will replace the ills of society with a massive positive change that will mean not just successful sustainability but a super #full-means-ability. Combined with the effects of a wise society the creation of a Wisdom Industry will create massive jobs in all corners of the world which will result in huge economic gains. Just imagine a free Wisdom Land franchise with branches all over the world. Just imagine a whole new profession of Brain Healers, WisdomSeminar Leaders, Wise Parenting Coaches, Jail Instructors, Leadership Coaches, Happiness Coaches etc.
Every country, region, corner of the world can all be equal partners in such entities as Wisdom Day, Wisdom Land, Wisdom Hall of Fame, Brainpower Club, Shypower Club, Happiness Clinics, Divorce Clinics etc.
Some of the practical applications of my wisdom formula include toys that teach wisdom, a script for a movie,’The Story of Wisdom’, a sitcom on wisdom, a talk show on wisdom, The Wisdom Express, The Star of Wisdom Award, seminars on wisdom, happiness, love, deep brain relaxation etc.
Imagine what emotionally healthy brains on a massive scale will do to the world.
We Must Find the Path to a Wise Society by Any and Every Means Possible. The world is in chaos because we continue to produce emotionally challenged brains in the majority of mankind, not just at the individual level and even at the group and country levels.
There are extremely simple, crystal clear and effective tricks to creating a wise society.
Define wisdom not by its qualities and attributes but by whatever generates wisdom. Thus define wisdom as emotional health.
Identify emotional health as humility because it is humility that transforms every attribute of wisdom into wisdom!
As wisdom is the smoke where emotional health is the fire focus on lighting the fire instead of trying to create smoke on its own. To create emotional health create emotionally healthy brains by ensuring emotional baggage free brains. Thus define wisdom education as wise-parenting for the young and brain-therapy for all others.
Please google, ‘sajid wisdom’ to get a further idea of my work.
Sajid Khan
4th R Foundation
email us here
WATCH NOW: Wisdom/Emotional-Health and even emotions can now all be defined, measured and taught as a science. at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmzwj-W8Mww
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