Hoverink International Holdings Receives Notice of Publication for the Name and Use Rights for Syris(R) Which is the Name of Our Hover Car, Mark and Logo
CENTURY CITY, Calif., Oct. 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The company filed an 8-k September 28th 2015 regarding the Notice of Publication for the Name and Use Rights for Syris®, which is the name of our Hover Car, mark and logo.
On September 2, 2015 the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued a NOTICE OF PUBLICATION for our Trademark Application for Name and Use of the mark SYRIS Serial No.:86-613,236.
International Class(es): 41
Applicant: Hoverink International Holdings, Inc.
Our trademark for our Hover Car named Syris has been filed and our NOTICE OF PUBLICATION has been issued in accordance with Section 12(a) of the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended.
About Us - The Company is focused on the development of its groundbreaking Hoverink amusement parks. Hoverinks are the Company’s signature recreational area, where the hover phenomena can safely occur. The required components, including Hoverink Hover boards, Hoverink suits, Hoverink shoes and Hoverink Hover Cars will be available for rental. The Company plans to build Hoverink Entertainment centers featuring Hoverink Hover boards and Hoverink Hover Cars and generate revenues from the sale of prepaid rents, Hover time and from our indoor Hoverink advertisers who purchase Hologram Advertising packages within Hoverink.
The Company’s proprietary accomplishments rest in that the Hoverink provides the hover sensation which is controlled by the Hoverink control tower; through the use of the Company’s signature Hoverink Boards which will be available for rent. The boards assist in the hover phenomena by attaching to the Hoverink shoes which the boarder must wear during hover flight.
Via our platform, the Hoverink smart rink is provided with the Hoverink user’s height and weight differentials and their Hoverink flight is calculated and calibrated by the smart rink. The Hover gram hologram advertising package works in conjunction with the rink and is designed as a means for advertisers to influence spending habits of our attendees via hologram images within our Hoverink dome. Our advertising platform is used to provide our Hoverink amusement park attendees and patrons of our Hoverink dome recreation facilities a means to receive communications services via holographic advertising of brands that seek to increase awareness or influence spending in our indoor parks
The company also intends to generate advertising revenues by the sale of advertising packages to advertisers seeking to display their brand names in Holographic image form from an Orbital Geostationary Satellite – SPACE WATCH.
The Orbital satellite can advertise our client’s brand names in hologram form from space for billions of people to see from Earth while the SPACE WATCH Satellite completes low and medium earth orbits.
Media Inquiries – info@hoverink.net Press Inquiries - 888-511-7358