New Research Points to Popcorn and Frozen Meals for Cutting Calories
Research Reveals Satiety Benefits of Popcorn and Frozen Meals Compared to Popular Snack and Meal Bars
Registered dietitian and author of The Small Change Diet,
Popcorn vs. Snack Bar Study
aisles are packed with trendy snack bars promising various health
benefits, which may be leading many to abandon traditional and healthful
snack foods in favor of bars. In the popcorn study, researchers provided
study participants 100 calories of either low-fat popcorn (
Single Serving Frozen Meals vs. Meal Replacement Bar Study Researchers compared frozen meals to meal replacement bars to determine which was more satisfying. Study participants’ usual lunches were replaced with either a Healthy Choice or Marie Callender’s frozen meal, or a meal replacement bar. Participants reported less hunger – and had less desire to eat in the afternoon – when they ate a frozen meal instead of a bar over three days. Replacing a typical meal with a frozen meal resulted in the greatest average calorie savings: 500 fewer calories daily, potentially adding up to 3,500 calorie savings weekly.
These findings build on previous research showing that popcorn is a highly satisfying snack choice, and portion-controlled frozen meals may help individuals reduce calories in an easy, convenient way. When people are searching for a satisfying way to reduce calories, enjoying a frozen single-serving mea or a 100 calorie popcorn snack are choices with clear benefits.
For more information about the studies, visit
ABOUT THE STUDY METHODOLOGY Popcorn vs. Snack Bar Study Once a week over four weeks, study participants came to the study center, were served a standard breakfast, and three hours later ate one of each of the four snacks (low-fat, reduced-fat popcorn, granola or fruit/nut bar) in random order. Participants were asked to rate their feelings of satiety before and thirty minutes after the snack. Participants reported higher satiety levels after eating both low-fat and reduced-fat popcorn as compared to bars.
Single Serving Frozen Meals vs. Meal Replacement Bar Study Study participants ate all meals at the study center three days per week for three weeks. During the first week, participants ate a self-selected buffet lunch. During the second and third weeks, for three days each week, participant lunches were replaced with either a single serving frozen meal (Healthy Choice or Marie Callender’s providing 280 calories) or a meal replacement bar equal in calories. Other meals were not controlled for calories, but total calorie consumption was measured.
This research was supported by
Edelman Erin Hulliberger, 312-240-2989 or ConAgra Foods Lanie Friedman, 630-857-1086