The Travis Childers Record – Too Liberal For Mississippi
06/06/2014 Link to Article:
Club for Growth President Chris Chocola: “This runoff is not about who will keep the Senate seat in Republican hands. With a record like Travis Childers’, that question is not in doubt. This runoff is about what kind of Republican is in the Senate: one who will vote for bailouts, tax hikes and trillions in debt, or one who stands up for taxpayers.”
Washington, DC - The Club for Growth PAC today released a list of facts about the record of former liberal Democrat Congressman Travis Childers. The Club for Growth PAC also issued the following statement:
“In a general election between Chris McDaniel and Travis Childers, Mississippi mid-term election voters would be met with these cold facts about Congressman Childers’ record: he opposes repeal of ObamaCare, he was late on his property taxes hundreds of times, and he walks in lock-step with national Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and John Kerry,” said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola. “Cochran supporters from Washington to Jackson to Biloxi know that Travis Childers can’t win a general election in Mississippi because his record is far too liberal and he was last seen losing his seat in Congress by double-digits. This runoff is not about who will keep the Senate seat in Republican hands. With a record like Travis Childers’, that question is not in doubt. This runoff is about what kind of Republican is in the Senate: one who will vote for bailouts, tax hikes and trillions in debt, or one who stands up for taxpayers.”
The Travis Childers Record – Too Liberal For Mississippi
ü Travis Childers opposes repeal of ObamaCare. ü Travis Childers voted to make Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of The House, and said he didn’t regret the vote. ü Travis Childers has been late on his property taxes 221 times, paying thousands of dollars in penalties. ü Travis Childers asked for leniency for Joey Langston, a lawyer for notorious trial lawyer and convicted felon Dickie Scruggs. After Langston was convicted of bribing a judge, Childers received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Langston’s family and friends. ü Travis Childers voted for the $787 billion dollar Obama stimulus. ü Travis Childers voted for the $300 billion bailout of Fannie Mae. ü Traivs Childers voted for Obama’s wasteful “Cash for Clunkers” program. ü Travis Childers voted against repealing the Death Tax and voted to increase it from 35% to 45% ü Travis Childers has taken thousands of dollars from national Democrats like Harry Reid Nancy Pelosi, and California Senator Barbara Boxer. ü Travis Childers gave $2,000 to Massachusetts liberal John Kerry when he was running for President. ü Travis Childers requested an earmark for a company that then gave him thousands in campaign contributions. ü Travis Childers voted to increase the debt by hundreds of billions of dollars. ü The nursing home run by Travis Childers was cited for having high medication errors, and not investigating injuries to patients.