Gazprom Neft extends collaboration with domestic equipment manufacturers
Gazprom Neft extends collaboration with domestic equipment manufacturers
22 May 2014, press releaseThis year’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was marked bythe signing ofanumber ofstrategic collaboration agreements between Gazprom Neft and various domestic suppliers, including OMZ (Uralmash-Izhora Group) and Hydromashservice (HMS Group). These agreements underline the company’s commitment toongoing collaboration with Russian suppliers toensure the fulfilment ofits requirements for high-quality equipment atits onshore and offshore fields and refineries.
The primary focus ofthese new partners will, initially, beonthe scientific, technical, and market research necessary todevelop innovative technologies and equipment, with closer working relationships allowing these suppliers togain athorough understanding ofthe specific requirements ofGazprom Neft’s operations, and todevelop innovative high-tech solutions for meeting these. For their part, inreturn for prioritising orders for Gazprom Neft, resource sharing will enable suppliers tomodernise facilities, develop their engineering capacities, and deliver improvements inproduction. Both parties are committed toexchanging information oncurrent and future requirements, aswell asontechnologies, integrated solutions and potential technological developments.
Gazprom Neft CEO Alexander Dyukov commented: “Russian manufacturers are our main suppliers ofequipment and materials, with 95percent ofour procurement budgets allocated todomestically produced equipment and materials. Close collaboration with domestic producers isthe most effective strategy wecan conceive for ensuring Russian manufacturers are able tomeet Gazprom Neft’s ongoing requirements for cutting-edge technologies and equipment.”
OMZ (Uralmash-Izhora Group) isaleading heavy equipment manufacturer specialising inengineering, manufacturing, and the sale and servicing ofequipment and technologies for the nuclear, petrochemical, oil and gas and mining industries. With facilities inRussia and the Czech Republic, the company isalso involved inthe production ofspecialist steels, and the provision ofindustrial services.
(HMS Group) specialises inthe supply ofpump and modular equipment, aswell asother facilities for the oil and gas (and other) industries. Asignificant and diverse holding company, HMS Group has significant capacity inthe development and production ofpumping, compressor, and modular equipment for use invarious industries including the oil and gas, energy, pipeline transportation, water supply and sanitation, and public utilities sectors.