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ALAViDA Welcomes New Chair of the Board of Directors

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New Chair of the Board of Directors for ALAViDA

Tara McCarville appointed as Chair of Board of Directors.

Guiding ALAViDA’s growth to ensure it is accessible to every Canadian on their smartphone will ultimately save lives.”
— Tara McCarville
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, May 4, 2021 / -- ALAViDA – Canada's leading virtual substance use management provider that is helping employers fill the substance use gap in existing employee health benefits – announces the addition of Tara McCarville as Chair of the Board of Directors.

McCarville has spent two decades in healthcare leadership roles. She is currently Principal Consultant at Brighton Group, a health industries solution firm. As former National Health Industries Leader for PwC Canada, Tara focused on improving quality and outcomes for government, hospital and health med/tech.

“ALAViDA is at a critical stage in its growth,” says Elliot Stone, CEO and co-founder. “In a sector where speed and innovation are essential, we need the talents and leadership support of someone like Tara to keep us focused as we expand our business. When you marry Tara’s deep experience in virtual health care with her exemplary track record in growth strategy, exceptional relationship-building and communication skills, we know we’ve found a superb leader.”

McCarville will be an independent member of the Board of Directors and is one of very few women to chair a Canadian tech company. McCarville welcomes the challenge that treating substance use presents. “I’ve been working in health care a long time and I’ve been so gratified to see the shifts in attitudes and thinking towards mental health, but that same acceptance has yet to expand to substance use. It is still steeped in stigma and shame,” says McCarville “That’s why I’m so excited and intrigued by what ALAViDA is doing. Their digital front door swings wide open for everyone. ALAViDA offers evidence-based treatment in an accepting, unintimidating manner. With substance use a silent epidemic and traditional treatment models failing so many, I’m excited to be part of a solution I can believe in.”

McCarville’s career in the Canadian health care marketplace gives her unique insight into how the public and private sector interact and she sees fresh opportunity. “This is not a sector used to having a budget set aside for mental health tech solutions. This is starting to happen. Substance use tech solutions need access to that cash. Guiding ALAViDA’s growth to ensure it is accessible to every Canadian on their smartphone will ultimately save lives.”

ALAViDA CEO Elliot Stone wishes to thank outgoing chair Jason Robertson for leading ALAViDA through its initial growth. “Jason’s dedication and insight were essential and we thank him for his support in getting us to where we are today.”

Chris Gomes
ALAViDA Health
+1 888-315-4617
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